Motion & Visual for Sotheby's

JSIR is an exceptional brand and entrusted us with some very unique projects! From cinemagraphs to videos to print, we covered all the bases.

Motion & Visual for Sotheby's

Project Details

Project Date
Sep 2022
Jan 2023
Motion & Visual
Jameson Sotheby's

About the project

JSIR is known for providing cutting edge marketing materials to their real estate agents. They came to us with some very unique requests, including custom cinemagraphs for hyper modern digital agent property books.

Motion & Visual for Sotheby's
Motion & Visual for Sotheby's

Project execution

Typically a cinemagraph is created by shooting a video on a tripod and keeping one portion of the video moving while the rest is still. However, we didn't have any video to work with. So, we combined their gorgeous property photography with completely separate videos, and through some Photoshop magic, created completely custom cinemagraphs.

We also worked on video for their websites and social media, as well as graphics for the company and agents.

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